Holy Passion Fire Church Denver


Holy Passion Fire Church of Denver's vision is to help humanity find the love, faith, and enlightenment in the Lord Jesus as he is our Savior according to God's word.


The mission of Holy Passion Fire Church is to enrich the lives of God's Children through planting, cultivating, and nurturing a passionate desire for Christ Jesus through love, compassion, and healing. We embrace the commitment to fast, pray, praise and worship the Lord; becoming light (fire) carriers for Christ, ushering in and proclaiming the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in unison with the Holy Spirit so that all those who thirst can come and take of the "water of life" freely (Revelation 22:17) and be baptized by Holy Spirit and Fire (Matthew 3:11; Acts 2:3) so that all may become living flames of fire (Psalm 104:4) serving the living God now in time and into timeless eternity.

Holy Passion Fire Church Minnesota

The Great Fire Revival